Senior Living Referral Companies: Why PSP?

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If you’ve started the hunt for senior living referral companies in Sacramento, you likely have a loved one who has been considering retiring to an assisted living community. There are many benefits that come with this life change—not least of which is that basics like food, laundry, and household chores are all taken care of on their behalf. Plus, many offer enrichment courses and opportunities to socialize, practice their preferred spirituality, learn new skills, and more.

But there are so many assisted living facilities in Sacramento these days—so how do you know which one is the best fit for your loved one? In this article, we will address what senior living referral companies are and how they can come to serve your family when it’s time to make the transition to assisted care.

But First...What Are Senior Living Referral Companies?

Sometimes also referred to as an assisted living facility advisor, senior living referral companies essentially are a support system to help walk your family and your loved one through choosing the best fit for them. Their primary role is to offer industry advice, assist with paperwork, and actively listen to the needs of the senior in your life to make sure they are set up with the best possible outcome given their desires and medical circumstances. A senior living referral company will have industry connections but they themselves will not be providing assisted living—rather they will be discussing their clients’ wants and needs moving forward.

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So, Why Passionate Senior Placement?

With options in the Sacramento area, why choose Passionate Senior Placement as your preferred senior living referral company? Aside from the passion for quality, holistic senior placement from which we derived our name, Passionate Senior Placement is an experienced team with years in the industry and lots of good insight to offer our clients—but we offer other benefits as well!

Free Care Consultation

Unlike many senior placement agencies that will charge an hourly rate for a consultation, at Passionate Senior Placement in Sacramento, we offer care consultations for free for our first-time clients. Who wouldn’t love saving some money upfront while they learn what PSP can do for them?

Dedication to Your Family Members

Here at Passionate Senior Placement, we understand how vital this transitional time can be for your whole family. We honor that by actively listening to your loved one and doing what we do best—connecting them with the right place! We pride ourselves on sensitive and productive listening techniques so that we can best hook your loved one up where they will be most likely to thrive. Plus, we can help them navigate the confusing parts of the transition, like paperwork.

Connected Within the Community

We like to think we’re cut from a different cloth than our competitors in the way that we network so our clients don’t have to. If you make an appointment, you’ll see that we can offer a spectrum of options so the senior in your life can choose just what they want. We also have insider knowledge of when folks are running deals, so we can help your loved one meet their budgeting goals as well as personal and health goals.

Expert Consulting

With a lifelong passion for quality senior care coupled with years in the industry, Passionate Senior Placement offers unique insight into the goings on in the assisted living community and will be able to help your loved one significantly simplify their choice. Call now to learn how we can best serve you!

Advocacy and Savings on Your Behalf

Are you looking for a senior placement advisor who will take your case to heart and fight on your behalf in a legal battle, if need be? These are the people to have in your corner, and the staff at PSP offers the experience and field knowledge to effectively advise and advocate for your loved one. There’s no need to face these battles alone, especially as we get older in years!

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Best Sacramento Senior Living Referral Companies with PSP

Now that you know a little bit more about senior living referral companies, hopefully, you feel empowered to start the process with a little bit of help—especially somewhere like PSP that provides a free initial consultation. With years of experience and passionate senior advocacy with an emphasis on holistic wellness, PSP is Sacramento’s premiere elder placement agency offering counseling, paperwork, and financing aid, advocacy in the face of obstacles, and more.

If you and your loved one have started the discussion about where to find the best Sacramento senior living referral companies, consider talking to the professionals at Passionate Senior Placement. We are not only available to message online at any time, but we offer free care consultations so you can both start moving in the right direction again. What will the future hold for your senior family members?